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Test material service supports testing – introducing the new personal identity code and method data for identifying foreign persons

Publication date 28.11.2022 13.46 | Published in English on 2.12.2022 at 15.39
Press release

The test material service offers a medium-sized city’s worth of material on people, properties and companies. You can use the materials to test your service process securely from start to finish.

The test material service gathers data from the Population Information System, Business Information System, Land Information System and Trade Register to one place.

Test persons are imported from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s system, test companies are imported from the Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s systems and test properties are imported from the National Land Survey of Finland’s system.

Expanding the coverage of the test material service

Regarding the test persons in the service, we will next add support for the new personal identity code, a person’s unique identifier and method data for identifying foreign persons. The property material will be significantly expanded to cover a medium-sized Finnish city’s worth of properties.

In early 2023, we will also remove the need to log in to view the material, which will make it easier to start using the service. Before that, you can get user IDs for the test material service by contacting the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Finnish Patent and Registration Office or the National Land Survey of Finland.

Links and contact details
•    Introduction to the test material service (in Finnish): Test material service  
•    Link to the test material service:

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