Finnish Service Catalogue expands use of interoperability platform to code sets

Publication date 19.11.2020 16.37 | Published in English on 24.11.2020 at 8.46
Press release

The interoperability platform implemented and maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is intended for both public administration and the private sector. The information content of the interoperability platform consists of the glossaries, code sets and data models needed for data flows and in other areas of information management.

Several different code sets are used in describing the information on the services and service channels of the Finnish Service Catalogue. Through the code sets, structural information content can be produced to the user. The user can select the information that is suitable for the service or the service channel concerned from the lists. The code sets also make the integrity and uniformity of the information content possible.

The information system of the thesaurus and ontology service Finto was previously used as the source of the information but after the reform, we retrieve only the key words from the Finto system.

The interoperability platform is used as the source for the other code sets. You can view the details of the code sets of the interoperability platform at

Code sets available to be used for service information in the Finnish Service Catalogue

  • regional information (municipalities, regions, hospital districts, sub-regional units for business services)
  • target groups
  • service classes
  • keywords
  • life situations
  • standard industrial classifications

Code sets available to be used for service channel information in the Finnish Service Catalogue 

  • regional information (municipalities, regions, hospital districts, sub-regional units for business services)

How the change will affect producers of information

The introduction of the code sets of the interoperability platform will not bring any changes to organisations that produce information through the user interface. Those producing information through the in-interface should change over to using the code sets of the new interoperability platform as soon as possible. The change in the interfaces has been implemented so that those producing information through the in-interface can send information using both Finto’s codes and the codes of the interoperability platform. Those taking advantage of the information see both code sets in the out-interface (uri, parentUri / newUri, newParentUri).

As the code sets (excluding keywords) will in future be updated only on the interoperability platform, new or changed codes can no longer be sent using the Finto format.

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