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Posti Messaging Oy selected as the supplier of printing, sealing and distribution services of Messages

Publication date 7.10.2020 9.01
Press release

Posti Messaging Oy has been selected as the supplier of printing, sealing and distribution services of Messages. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency put its printing, sealing and distribution service out to tender in spring 2020.

The service makes sending messages (for example decisions, announcements etc. documents) as simple as possible for organisations that use Messages. Organisations will no longer need to put their paper mailing out to tender separately or manage a separate mailing service. When the organisation uses Messages, the messages will be sent through the printing, sealing and distribution service easily in one go regardless of whether the recipient uses Messages or wants the messages to be sent through paper mail.

“Posti Messaging Oy and we will now begin to set up the service for our customers. The aim is to enable the public service organisations using Messages to start to use the printing, sealing and distribution service in October or November 2020. According to the current estimate, it will be possible to start connecting organisations to the new service before the introduction of the service in autumn 2020,” estimates Maria Juka-Lahdenperä, Development Manager at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

“The Digital and Population Data Services Agency is a very important customer for Posti Messaging Oy. We want to invest in seamless cooperation between our organisations to produce a first-class printing, sealing and distribution service for the entire public sector in Finland through Messages,” says Nina Hedberg, Head of Document Management at Posti Messaging Oy. “The best-quality print production in Finland guarantees that the messages will be delivered on paper if the recipient has not yet started to use the electronic service channel,” she continues.

Who can use the service?

The printing, sealing and distribution service of Messages can be used to print, seal and distribute only messages that have been sent to Messages by a public administration organisation. For needs related to other printing, sealing and distribution services, the user organisations must arrange the corresponding services or parts of them themselves.

If an organisation using Messages has already acquired a corresponding service for its own use through a competitive tendering process, it will be possible to connect the supplier of that service to the printing, sealing and distribution service of Messages parallel to the service provided by Posti Messaging Oy. In such situations, we recommend that the organisation contacts the Digital and Population Data Services Agency at viestit-kayttoonotot[at]

Digital and Population Data Services Agency will publice a more detailed information about  implementation of the service later in October 2020.

Additional information

Questions related to the competitive tendering process:
Digital and Population Data Services Agency
Juha Kontkanen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 535 063
Pirre Korhonen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 295 535 004
Email address format: firstname.lastname[at]

Posti Messaging Oy
Posti MediaDesk, tel. +358 20 452 3366, viestinta[at]
Nina Hedberg, Head of Document Management, tel. +358 50 348 0306, nina.hedberg[at]

Questions related to the implementation of the service:

Tiedote - VAIN Organisaatioasiakkaat-etusivulle