e-Authorizations mean flexibility in everyday tasks –
A trusted person may now be authorised by the assignor to use digital services on their behalf even if they do not have online banking codes

Publication date 6.10.2022 8.35
Type:Press release e-Authorizations can be used to authorise a trusted person to act on their behalf in many services. Previously, this required identification in e-Authorizations using, for example, online banking codes. Now the service will also be available to people who do not have access to the digital services themselves or who do not have the necessary means of identification. e-Authorizations are an electronic power of attorney. They are an electronic power of attorney by which the assignor and the assignee jointly agree on which services and what matters the assignee may handle on behalf of the assignor. e-Authorizations can be used in many services e-Authorizations can be used to manage matters in all services that
use e-Authorizations to verify the right to make transactions. Some of the more important services include Kela's My Kanta, Finnish Tax Administration services, pharmacies and numerous municipal services

At present, e-Authorizations can, for example, be used in handling tax matters, booking an appointment for social welfare and health care services, dealing with benefits, viewing health information in, for example, My Kanta, renewing prescriptions or searching for prescription medications.  

Start by listing the services in which the assignor wants their trusted person to act on their behalf. The Web Service contains information on whether the service can be usedLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab with e-Authorizations. The services used by the assignee also provide advice on how to use them with e-Authorizations and what kinds of matters can be handled with them.

The easiest way to get mandates in order is with a mandate request made by a trusted person with digital skills  

The quickest and easiest way to get mandates in order is for a trusted person with digital skills to submit a mandate request in e-Authorizations. For a mandate request, they will need the official name and personal identity code of the assignor and a list of the services for which the mandates are being applied. 

The assignor approves the mandates applied for in the mandate request by visiting one of the service locations of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. You must make an appointment for the e-Authorizations for organisations and citizens service: Link for booking an appointment.  Link to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

If it is not possible to visit in person, the assignor may submit a mandate application 

If it is not possible to visit in person, the assignor may prepare a mandate application themselves or with an assistant. In this case, the assignor approves the mandates by signing the mandate application. The assignor must also prove their identity by attaching a copy of, for example, their identity card.

To fill in the mandate application, the official name and personal identity code of the assignor and the assignee(s) are required, along with a list of the services for which mandates are being applied. 

The assignor's assistant can log in to using their own ID to submit a mandate application and submit it electronically: link to the mandate applicationLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

If the assignor has a computer, network connection and printer, but no e-Identification, they can also fill in the mandate application online. After printing out the completed mandate application, they can sign and mail it to P.O. Box 1003, 02151 Espoo.

You can also bring a mandate application to a service location of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. When making an appointment for the e-Authorizations for organisations and private persons service, you will avoid queuing and ensure that you have a personal appointment. Link for booking an appointmentLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab.

You can also contact Public Service Info for assistance with booking appointments at 0295 000, e-Authorizations in a nutshell

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