Information for guardian

How should the property of a minor be managed? 

The property of a minor must be managed carefully and systematically. It can only be used for their benefit and personal needs. The property owned by a minor does not remove their parents’ maintenance obligation. 

As a rule, the parents of a minor are responsible for the child's maintenance and personal needs, such as housing, clothing, food, education and ordinary hobby expenses.  

A minor is never required to participate in the maintenance of their parents or siblings. Only the pension income received by a minor can be used for their normal living costs, but their other property cannot be used without special grounds. These special grounds may include, for example, the guardian's reduced maintenance capacity due to illness, unemployment or other similar reason. 

The guardian of a minor may not 

  • mix the minor’s assets with another person’s assets 
  • donate the minor’s property 
  • loan or personally borrow from the minor’s assets without our permission. 

Do you need help?

Read the frequently asked questions about guardianship of a minor.

Telephone service: 0295 536 256.

Service hours: Mon–Fri 9–15. 

Customer service for family relations and custodian information regarding minors recorded in the Finnish Population information System visit our website.