Service interruption in Messages on Saturday 26 August 2023

Publication date 14.8.2023 14.30

This bulletin has been updated on 25.8.2023, the bulletin has been published first time on 12.6.2023. Messages will be under maintenance on Saturday 26 August 2023 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 
During a maintenance break, it is not possible to send messages. 
During the break, Messages will be updated to a new version.

What to do during the maintenance break

We recommend that you change the timing of all messages scheduled during the maintenance break to be sent only after the break. 

If your organisation is unable to change scheduled messages, please note the following according to your connection method:

  • WebService interface users (LahetaViesti and LisaaKohteita interfaces):
    • During the interruption, messages will fail to be sent and an error message will appear. Please resend messages sent during the maintenance break to the recipients after the break has ended. 
  • Users of SFTP and Email (SMTP) interfaces:
    • You do not need to resend messages. Sending messages to recipients is delayed, but they are delivered after the maintenance break has ended.
  • Users of Post forms:
    • Requests made on the form will fail during the break. Inform your customers that the forms are not in use during the break or disable the forms during the break.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused by the maintenance break.

Additional information

Digital and Population Data Services Agency, viestit.siirtyma[at] 

HÄIRIÖtiedote: VAIN organisaatio-asiakkaat Häiriötiedote - etusivun nosto, näkyy kaikilla etusivuilla