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New online trainings will deepen your understanding of data protection and digital security in municipalities

Publication date 16.9.2021 9.06 | Published in English on 28.9.2021 at 15.21
Press release

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency has published two new online trainings on digital security. The training Digital security for local government officials is particularly topical now that the new elected officials in municipalities have started their work. The ABC of data protection 2 course will deepen your understanding of data protection and examine the relationship between data protection and other fundamental rights. Both courses are free and open to everyone on the eOppiva platform.

Digital security training for municipal officials

In the training aimed at elected officials in municipalities, the learners will familiarise themselves with digital security, its basic concepts, and general principles. The training includes examples that shed light on the importance of digital security in public administration activities from the perspective of a municipal official.

In the training, the learners will learn to identify and classify the information that you process as an elected official. Based on the classification of the data, the learners will learn to choose the facilities, equipment, and services suitable for processing them.

The training is specifically aimed at municipalities, but it is suitable for anyone who wants to develop their digital security skills. The training has been published in Finnish, Swedish and English.

ABC of data protection 2 – deeper in data protection

The new ABC of data protection 2 training examines the relationship between data protection and other fundamental rights, deepens the picture of data protection as part of an organisation's activities and familiarises the learner with its application in procurement, for example. At the moment, the training has been published in Finnish.

The training is a continuation of the popular ABC of data protection for public administration personnel 2020 training (in Finnish and Swedish). It is specifically intended for public administration employees who process a lot of personal data in their work.

Digitally Secure Life module includes digital security trainings and a game

The new training programmes are part of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's Digitally Secure Life training module, which contains digital security trainings that are free of charge and open to all. They include online trainings for managements of organisations, digital security experts and the entire personnel of organisations. You will learn to recognise and respond to the most common digital security threats.

The training is complemented by the Digitally Secure Life mobile game, which allows you to practise digital security skills in practical situations. The first part of the game focuses on the digital safety skills needed in working life as an employee of the imaginary Municipality of Tyrskylä. The first exercise package is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. New Finnish content will be published during the autumn.

The Digitally Secure Life module is one way for organisations to ensure that their personnel have the necessary basic skills in digital security. When the basic competence is in order, each organisation can also focus on providing its personnel with adequate instructions and training on the organisation's own operating methods and processes linked to digital security.


Discover new courses and the Digitally Secure Life training module

Contact information

Juha Kirves, Information Security Specialist, Digital and Population Data Services Agency, [email protected], tel. 0295 535 151

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