Are you wondering how to find the right employee for your business?'s new guide provides comprehensive practical instructions for recruiting a new employee

Publication date 7.12.2023 8.19 | Published in English on 7.12.2023 at 8.51
Press release

When you're looking for a new employee, it pays to plan the recruitment process carefully and learn about employer's obligations in advance. The new guide can help you there. Smooth recruitment helps create a good employer image.   


The Recruiting an employee guide guide provides advice on

  • the various options available for recruiting an employee

  • how to estimate the costs of recruiting an employee

  • what should be taken into account in selecting the employee

  • what should be taken into account in the orientation of the new employee and when they start working

  • what regional and national services are available for your business.

Answer the preliminary questions at the beginning of the guide to get more tailored advice.

A large number of key authorities and other parties have been involved in the creation of the guide.

There are many options for finding an employee

Are you looking for a permanent employee, a fixed-term employee, or an on-demand employee? Would the position be ideal for a trainee or apprentice? Do you know a suitable young person, a foreign employee, a pensioner, or a partially disabled employee, but want to clarify the details of the employment relationship? Would a temporary agency worker suit your company's situation?

The guide provides information on the various ways of finding an employee.

Carefully planned recruitment process helps create a good employer image

Recruitment of suitable employees is a skilled sport. The guide contains comprehensive instructions for the various stages of recruitment, from defining the work duties and preparing the job advertisement to conducting job interviews and selecting the right employee.

Examples of topics covered by the guide:

  • channels available for job advertisements

  • required permits and professional qualifications, if any

  • employment contracts, remote work contracts, non-disclosure agreements

  • official services and support

  • matters related to equality and non-discrimination.

And the key question – how to select just the right employee for your business? How to determine the suitability of an employee? What are the things that cannot be asked in a job interview?

Proper orientation ensures a smooth start at the new job

Poor orientation can cause even the most successful recruitment process to fail. The guide provides instructions for planning the orientation process. It also advises on what should be taken into account in the orientation of young people, foreigners, or partially disabled persons.

It also advises on the next steps after recruitment and provides instructions on how to ensure the well-being of your employees at work.

Experts from key authorities and organisations have contributed to the guide

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency produced the guide in cooperation with a wide range of experts and authorities.

Parties involved in the production of the guide include the Regional State Administrative Agency, Finnish Centre for Pensions, Employment Industry Finland, International House Helsinki, KEHA Centre, Kela, Finnish Immigration Service, Mikro- ja yksinyrittäjät ry (MYRY), Enterprise Agencies Finland, Finnish Workers' Compensation Center, Employment Fund, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finnish Tax Administration, Enterprise Finland Telephone Service. in brief

  • The Web Service advises citizens and entrepreneurs in different life events.

  • In, the information, instructions and services you need to take care of matters have been compiled under one address.

  • After identification, you can message various organisations, grant and request mandates, and check what information has been registered on you.

  • is developed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.