Aino and Eino the new favourite names for children

Publication date 18.4.2024 12.32 | Published in English on 18.4.2024 at 12.45
Press release

The most popular first forenames for children born in Finland in 2023 were Aino and Eino for Finnish-speaking children. Olivia and Leo, which had held the title of most popular children's name for two years in a row, were knocked off the top spot last year. Ellen and Liam held the top spot for Swedish-speaking children and Sofia and Adam for children speaking other languages.

Currently, 90 per cent of children's names are already being notified via an electronic form, which speeds up and streamlines the processing of the matter by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. However, expert work is still needed to assess completely new names, which results in longer processing times.

Little variation in the most popular names among Finnish speakers

For children born in Finland last year, Aino was the first forename of 264 girls and Eino of 376 boys. The corresponding figures for Olivia and Leo, which were the most popular names in 2021 and 2022, were 245 and 278 respectively.

Last year, the most popular first forenames for girls were Aino, Olivia, Aada, Lilja and Sofia. Compared to 2022, Aino overtook Olivia, but the popularity of both names remains strong. Sofia moved up from 9th to 5th and Isla's popularity dropped from 6th to 11th.

The most popular first names for boys were Eino, Oliver, Väinö, Elias and Onni. Leo's popularity, on the other hand, fell from the top spot in 2021 and 2022 to 6th place last year. The popularity of Oliver, Väinö and Elias remained strong compared to 2022. Vilho moved up from 15th place in 2022 to 8th.

“There has been little variation in the most popular names in recent years. Traditional first names continue to top the list. It is also often important for parents that the name is easily usable abroad. Soft vocal structures are popular,” says Laura Mattila, Registrar at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Ellen and Liam the most popular names for Swedish-speaking children

The most popular first forename for Swedish-speaking girls in the 2023 name statistics was Ellen. Liam was the favourite among boys’ names. In Swedish-speaking families, 29 girls were named Ellen and 33 boys Liam. Both names were also popular in 2022.

After Ellen, the most popular first forenames for girls were Astrid, Ebba and the 2022 favourite Saga. After Liam, the most popular first four names for boys were Theo, Alvar and Leo. When all forenames are included, Maria and Erik were the most popular among Swedish-speaking children.

Sofia and Adam continue as the favourites for children of other languages

As in 2022 and 2021, Sofia and Adam were the most popular first forenames for children of other languages. Next up for girls’ names were Emilia and Olivia, and for boys' names Mark and Daniel.

Online form streamlines the process of notifying a child's name with the Digital and Population Data Services Agency 

Since December 2022, it has been possible to notify a child's details to the Population Information System digitally. The digital service has been widely used, and currently about 90 per cent of children's details are notified to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency online. The high utilisation rate of the digital service highlights the good digital capabilities of parents and their willingness to favour using online services. The digitalisation of the service has also often been requested in customer feedback.

How to notify a child’s name

  • A child can be given 1–4 forenames. The name must correspond to the established name practice. It may not cause offence or harm or be inappropriate as a forename. Get help with your planning from the Name service.
  • The mother of a newborn child will automatically receive an information package at home that helps in notifying the child’s details. If the parent is a member of a parish, the form carrying the child's details form is usually handed over to the priest performing the baptism, and the Population Information System receives the information from the parish.
  • Submit a notification of the child’s names and mother tongue within three months of birth. The details can be submitted digitally on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's website or on a paper form. 
    • If you want your child to have an unusual name, you should prepare for longer processing times. In general, children's names are processed in about four weeks, but the processing of more special names takes longer.

Find out more about notifying your child's name and details on our website.

Data on the most popular first forenames of children born in Finland was published by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency on 16 April 2024. The data is based on a total of 44,710 children born last year. The statistics contains the 50 most popular forenames and first forenames for Finnish-speaking children, Swedish-speaking children, and children of other languages. In this context, persons of other languages refer to individuals whose native language is not Finnish or Swedish. The data is reported for the whole country.