Foreigner’s move to Finland, in Finland and out of Finland 

This page is intended for foreign citizens who already have a Finnish personal identity code. If you do not yet have a Finnish personal identity code, read the instructions on our Registration of foreigners page.

Remember to notify the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of your move and your changed address.

NOTE. Do not apply for the municipality of residence with a notification of move.


What kind of address can you have? 

The address can be temporary, permanent or only used as a postal address. 


Moving to Finland 

Select the appropriate instructions for your situation:  

A) You do not have a Finnish personal identity code.

Read the instructions on the Registration of foreigners page.  

B) You have a Finnish personal identity code and are moving permanently from abroad to Finland.

Read the instructions on the Municipality of residence page. Don´t apply for the municipality of residence with a notification of move.

C) You have a Finnish personal identity code and you are moving to Finland temporarily.

You can notify us of your move without visiting our service location by following the instructions below.  


Moving in Finland 

How do I get or extend a temporary address? 

You can receive a temporary address by filling in a notification of move. You can also extend the validity of the temporary address with a notification of move.  

If you want a permanent address and municipality of residence, do not fill in the notification of move. Read the instructions on our municipality of residence page. 


How do I report a change of a permanent address?  

You get a permanent address when you get a municipality of residence. Read more on the municipality of residence page. 

You can report a change in your permanent address if you have already registered a municipality of residence and a permanent address in Finland. If you do not yet have a municipality of residence, do not apply for the municipality of residence with a notification of move.


Moving away from Finland 

If you move out of Finland, remember to notify this even before moving. 


Frequently asked questions


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You can find the average processing times on our website


Please use secure email if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Please choose this address as the recipient: international@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab

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Telephone service number is +358 295 536 320

Service hours: Mon–Fri 9–15.

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