Foreigner’s move to Finland, in Finland and out of Finland
This page is intended for foreign citizens who already have a Finnish personal identity code. If you do not yet have a Finnish personal identity code, read the instructions on our Registration of foreigners page.
Remember to notify the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of your move and your changed address.
NOTE. Do not apply for the municipality of residence with a notification of move.
What kind of address can you have?
The address can be temporary, permanent or only used as a postal address.
A temporary address is valid for a limited time, and you are registered as living at that address for a certain time period. A temporary address is usually valid for one year at a time. You will not receive a municipality of residence in Finland.
If a permanent residence is entered for you, it means that you are registered as living at that address until further notice. The address is valid until you move to a different address and submit a notification of move. When a permanent address is recorded, your municipality of residence in Finland is also recorded. You can only have a permanent address and municipality of residence if you meet certain conditions. Read more about the registration of municipality of residence.
You can register a postal address, which means that you are not registered as living at that address. A postal address can be used if you do not have a permanent address or if you want to collect your mail from a post office.
Moving to Finland
Select the appropriate instructions for your situation:
A) You do not have a Finnish personal identity code.
Read the instructions on the Registration of foreigners page.
B) You have a Finnish personal identity code and are moving permanently from abroad to Finland.
Read the instructions on the Municipality of residence page. Don´t apply for the municipality of residence with a notification of move.
C) You have a Finnish personal identity code and you are moving to Finland temporarily.
You can notify us of your move without visiting our service location by following the instructions below.
Fill in the notification of change of address in either of the following ways:
- in person at a Posti service point. Take a document proving your identity with you.
- online at Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tabif you have Finnish online banking IDs or a mobile certificate.
How to fill in the form:
1. Fill in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s section of the form. Fill in Posti’s section if you also want to provide the address for mail delivery.
- Select the option “Temporary change of address in Finland or to Finland”.
- Enter the date on which you are filling in the form as the date of the change of address, for example. We cannot register a date that goes back more than one month.
- Also enter the end date of the temporary change of address, for example, one year after the date of the change of address. You can extend the validity of the address later if necessary.
- Leave the section “Home municipality after the move” blank.
- Enter your personal identity code and name and the details of those who have moved with you.
- Enter from where and to where you moved. If your address does not change, enter your current address in both sections.
- Enter your email address and phone number so that you can be contacted.
- Remember to sign the form.
2. We will not send you a confirmation when your address has been registered.
Moving in Finland
How do I get or extend a temporary address?
You can receive a temporary address by filling in a notification of move. You can also extend the validity of the temporary address with a notification of move.
If you want a permanent address and municipality of residence, do not fill in the notification of move. Read the instructions on our municipality of residence page.
Fill in the notification of change of address in either of the following ways:
- in person at a Posti service point. Take a document proving your identity with you.
- online at Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tabif you have Finnish online banking IDs or a mobile certificate.
How to fill in the form:
1. Fill in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s section of the form. Fill in Posti’s section if you also want to provide the address for mail delivery.
- Select the option “Temporary change of address in Finland or to Finland”.
- Enter the date on which you are filling in the form as the date of the change of address, for example. We cannot register a date that goes back more than one month.
- Also enter the end date of the temporary change of address, for example, one year after the date of the change of address. You can extend the validity of the address later if necessary.
- Leave the section “Home municipality after the move” blank.
- Enter your personal identity code and name and the details of those who have moved with you.
- Enter from where and to where you moved. If your address does not change, enter your current address in both sections.
- Enter your email address and phone number so that you can be contacted.
- Remember to sign the form.
2. We will not send you a confirmation when your address has been registered.
How do I report a change of a permanent address?
You get a permanent address when you get a municipality of residence. Read more on the municipality of residence page.
You can report a change in your permanent address if you have already registered a municipality of residence and a permanent address in Finland. If you do not yet have a municipality of residence, do not apply for the municipality of residence with a notification of move.
Fill in the notification of change of address in either of the following ways:
- in person at a Posti service point. Take a document proving your identity with you.
- online at Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tabif you have Finnish online banking IDs or a mobile certificate.
How to fill in the form:
1. Fill in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s section of the form. Fill in Posti’s section if you also want to provide the address for mail delivery.
- Select the option “Change of address in Finland or moving to Finland”.
- Fill in the required sections carefully. For further instructions, see the instructions that accompany the notification of move.
- If you do not have a permanent residence address (for example, you live in a reception centre), check the box "Without permanent residence. There is no residence address” on the form.
- Fill in your contact information and remember to sign the form.
2. We will not send you a confirmation when your address has been registered.
Moving away from Finland
If you move out of Finland, remember to notify this even before moving.
Fill in the notification of change of address in either of the following ways:
- in person at a Posti service point. Take a document proving your identity with you.
- online at Link to an external websiteyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tabif you have Finnish online banking IDs or a mobile certificate.
How to fill in the form:
1. Fill in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s section of the form.
- Are you moving away from Finland permanently or temporarily?
- Select "Emigration, permanent" if you are moving permanently or for more than one year.
- Select "Emigration, temporary" if you are temporarily moving away for a maximum of one year. Remember to also enter the end date of the temporary move.
- Fill in the required sections carefully. For further instructions, see the instructions that accompany the notification of move.
2. We will not send you a confirmation when your address has been registered.
Frequently asked questions
You can use the same form to enter your family members (spouse, child, parent, sibling) moving to the same address as you. In this case, they do not need to submit their own notification of move.
If you are not notifying your own move but are submitting the notification on behalf of another person, you can notify for your spouse or your minor dependent child. If you submit a notification on behalf of a person other than your spouse or underage child, you must have a power of attorney from them. Send the power of attorney by email
If you are going on a short trip, you do not need to notify.
Notify of the move if
- you move abroad for more than 3 months (usually a temporary move)
- living abroad will last more than a year (usually a permanent move).
Remember to also notify us if a trip changes to living abroad.
You can view the processing time of the online form or the paper notification of move completed at Posti at our other page.
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Customer service
You can find the average processing times on our website.
Please use secure email if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Please choose this address as the recipient: international@dvv.fiyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Send secure emailLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabyja-external-link-opens-in-a-new-tab
Telephone service number is +358 295 536 320
Service hours: Mon–Fri 9–15.