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Would you like to be your own boss?

Publication date 23.7.2020 11.43 | Published in English on 3.8.2020 at 16.53

According to a saying, hard work pays off. However, a new entrepreneur will not manage with just an excellent idea and hard work. Web ServiceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab provides a toolkit full of reliable information, tools and useful short cuts for those intending to forge their own fortune. You might want to start by testing whether you have an entrepreneurially minded personalityLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab and the skillsLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab required for working as an entrepreneur.

If the thought about setting up a business of your own fascinates and tempts you – and not only at the end of the holiday or on Monday mornings – sit down with a computer and some note paper. Structure your wishes, goals and opportunities systematically as it helps you make good decisions.

It is often a good idea to reflect on whether you would like to become a full-time entrepreneur straight away or first try a simpler form, part-time entrepreneurshipLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab. And are you planning to set up a business on your own or together with other people? For example, this will affect the company formLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab that you can choose. 

The business planner wizard helps you crystallise your idea

What is your business idea based on? Where are you planning to find your customers? What would the income and cost structure of your company be like? The easy-to-use business planner wizardLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab in the Web Service maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency helps you determine what you need to take into consideration when running a business.  The wizard guides you through the planner and in the end produces a printable checklist of matters that you should pay attention to.

Process and develop your idea into business activity

When you have made a good start in planning your business and still think your idea is worth developing, it is time to get serious and draw up a business planLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab. You will need it when presenting your future company to the bank or if you intend to apply for a start-up grant, among other things.

The service also provides tips and answers to financing-related mattersLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab concerning a new business. They contain a sprinkle of everyday realism as even the most enthusiastic entrepreneur should remember that in the early stages, the business will incur costs before earning any revenue. Your business therefore needs to have funds for paying the bills or some kind of cash or emergency reserve.

The business planner wizard reminds you about necessary actions

PermitsLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab, insurances, taxes, pension security – setting up even a small business involves certain matters that you have a statutory obligation to take care of. helps a new entrepreneur here, as well: the business start-up wizardLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab is a convenient tool that helps you to check what matters are compulsory when you are setting up a business. Advice on these matters is also available in the informative contents of Web Service Link to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tabor, for example, in the My Enterprise Finland web serviceLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

For example, all companies must keep accounts. Keeping well-managed accounts is not the easiest of tasks and a reliable accounting firm is an essential support for the entrepreneur. In the service you can authoriseLink to an external website, Opens in a new tabOpens in a new tab the accounting firm to manage your company’s matters for example with the Tax Administration. This leaves you free to use your own talents – perseverance, innovation, ambition and industriousness – to promote your brand-new business. Good luck!

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