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Kiire ei saa olla este työkyvyn tukemiseen – Suomi.fissä napakka, kattava ja käytännönläheinen opas pienten työpaikkojen johdolle ja esihenkilöille

Publication date 30.5.2024 7.16
Press release

Vihdoinkin työkyvyn tukemiseen opas, josta tieto on nopeasti löydettävissä! Suomi.fin opas antaa tiiviin ja käytännönläheisen kokonaiskuvan työkykyyn vaikuttavista tekijöistä sekä keinoista johtaa ja tukea työkykyä työpaikalla.   

Finally, a guide for supporting work ability where you can find relevant information quickly! The new guide provides a concise and practical overview of the factors affecting work ability and the means to manage and support work ability at the workplace.

The guide is aimed in particular at workplaces that do not have an HR department or people with work ability expertise. These include both small workplaces and fast-growing start-ups.

"Work must be arranged and organised in a way that it doesn't cause harmful strain on the employee. The management at the workplace plays a key role in this," emphasises Teija Inkilä, Senior Specialist at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, which directed the project.

When time is not on your side, the new guide helps you find information

"There is plenty of information available on work ability. However, the interviews conducted for the guide showed that it's difficult especially for small employers to find information and tools suitable for their situation. When you have a lot on your plate, there's little time to familiarise yourself with work ability issues," says Senior Specialist Heini Mynttinen from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Small workplaces may also lack competence, methods or even knowledge about finding information to support work ability. In addition, knowledge of statutory occupational safety and work ability obligations may be thin.

"Supporting work ability is particularly important in small workplaces where a longer absence of a key employee can paralyse the operations," says Senior Specialist Irmeli Pehkonen from the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, who participated in the planning of the guide.

Supporting work ability is considered important – the new guide responds to need

The changing demands of working life pose challenges to management and supervisory work. There is a great need for information at workplaces on how coping at work and mental health can be supported. Good work ability management can reduce sickness absences and the related costs and curb employee turnover.

The new guide is an answer to this call. In addition to a concise overview, the guide brings together key information sources and tools in one place.

The "Supporting work ability at workplace" guide has been planned with an extensive group of experts as part of the EU-funded Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland

The planning of the guide has included experts from the Akava, Divisions of Occupational Safety and Health of Regional State Administrative Agencies, Finnish Association of Occupational Health Nurses, Finnish Association of Occupational Health Physicians, Finnish Psychological Association, KEHA Centre, Kela, Keva, Local Government and County Employers KT, MIELI Mental Health Finland, Micropreneurs and Solopreneurs of Finland, STTK, Suomen Yrittäjät, The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK, The Centre for Occupational Safety, The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH) and The National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). In addition, extensive user testing was carried out for the guide.

The guide was implemented by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency under the guidance of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health provided specialist support for the project.

The guide is part of the EU-funded Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. Its creation was motivated by the concern that Finland's working-age population is decreasing and structural unemployment has remained high. To ensure that people are well at work and avoid long periods of sick leave, employees' work ability problems should be addressed as early as possible. guide in a nutshell's new "Supporting work ability at workplace" guide contains information on

  • what work ability is and what kind of matters affect it

  • how work ability is promoted at the workplace

  • what the roles and responsibilities of the management, supervisors and employees are

  • how changes in work ability can be detected in time and how to respond to them

  • how the operating model for work ability and other statutory plans are prepared

  • what the employer's statutory obligations are.