Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä moves - service location closed 29.6.-3.7.2020

Publication date 15.6.2020 7.00
Type:Press release

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä will move between the end of June and the beginning of July 2020. The new address in Jyväskylä will be Hannikaisenkatu 47 C (3rd floor of the Sinetti office building).

Because of the move, the walk-in services at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä will be closed between 29 June and 3 July 2020.
The telephone service and the electronic service channels will be serving customers as normal.

The new service location will open for customers on 6 July 2020

On 6 July 2020, the new customer service facilities of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency in Jyväskylä will open to those who have booked an appointment.

Because of the coronavirus epidemic, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency has limited the walk-in services at its service locations. Appointments at service locations must be booked in advance. You can book an appointment in the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s electronic reservation system or call the service-specific service number to make an appointment.

For the contact details of our services, visit our website at

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