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Changes to services in Kristiinankaupunki

Publication date 7.2.2022 9.00 | Published in English on 7.2.2022 at 15.47
Press release

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency's services in Kristiinankaupunki will change on 7 February 2022.

In the future, you cannot book an appointment with a Digital and Population Data Services Agency expert at the Kristiinankaupunki service point. If you need a face-to-face appointment, contact the service locations in Vaasa and Pori. 

In the future, the Kristiinankaupunki service point will provide general advice related to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's services, provide guidance on using online services and receive documents.

You can continue to manage many affairs electronically – learn more about electronic services

If your affairs require a face-to-face visit, make an appointment at a service location suitable for you.  


Tiedote - VAIN Henkilöasiakkaat-etusivulle