Certification Authority Services: The IP addresses of the Time Stamping Authority will change on 21 November 2023 at 1 pm

Publication date 1.11.2023 14.21 | Published in English on 1.11.2023 at 14.26
Type:Press release

The technical environment of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency's Certification Authority Services will be reformed. Due to the reform, the IP addresses of the Time Stamping Authority will change from Tuesday, 21 November 2023 at 1 pm.

Check if changes need to be made in your systems and data communications networks. 
Please inform all those concerned by the reform in your organisation.

The network addresses of the services (DNS names) will remain unchanged, but the technical IP addresses will change. The services, their web addresses and current and new IP addresses are described below:

  • Time Stamping Authority:
    • tsa.fineid.fi
    • current IP address
    • new IP address
  • Time Stamping Authority Test Service
    • tsatest.fineid.fi
    • current IP address
    • new IP address

Allow traffic to new IP addresses  

Make the necessary changes to the new IP addresses by 21 November at the latest.
Please note in your systems and data communications networks that traffic to the new IP addresses is permitted. 

You can make any additions now, but no later than 21 November 2023.

Additional information: palvelupiste@dvv.fi 

Tiedote - VAIN Organisaatioasiakkaat-etusivulle