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Around 63,000 young people will receive a greeting card from the authorities for their 18th birthday – provides guidance for young adults  

Publication date 16.1.2024 9.31 | Published in English on 16.1.2024 at 15.29
Press release

In January, a birthday card will be sent to every young person in Finland who turns 18 in 2024. With the card, the authorities have come together to congratulate those entering adulthood and to explain how their civil rights and obligations will change.  In 2024, the card will be sent to over 63,000 young people.   

Turning 18 brings a lot of change

Although studies have shown that young people in Finland tend to become independent at an earlier age compared to many European countries, turning 18 marks a new chapter in life for everyone. For many, becoming independent means moving out on your own for the first time, taking care of your own finances and dealing with the authorities. 

Many young people find it difficult to use the services provided by the authorities. New responsibilities and rights may also raise questions. It is not always clear which authority you should contact in different situations.   

Many parents are also surprised by the fact that they can no longer act on the behalf of their 18-year-old child in all online services. For this reason, young people should obtain their own online banking codes or mobile certificate so that they can manage their own affairs. brings together useful information and services for young people 

The aim of the authorities is to direct young people and their parents to, which has a section dedicated to topical issues for young adults. Ohjaamo One-Stop Guidance Centres around Finland also provide advice on the new stage of life.  

"We have the honour of helping new adults take hold of their new life situation. As people reach adulthood, they might not think about how many things become their own responsibility. We want to reach all 18-year-olds in Finland and direct them towards the necessary and accurate information at the beginning of their independent path," explains Liinu Lehto, Communications and Marketing Director at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. 

The campaign wants to support young people in dealing with different issues, such as borrowing a car or paying tax on summer work. Another aim is to instruct them on the services available, whether they are looking for support for well-being, information about the military service or help with debt, for example.  

The campaign includes, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, the Social Insurance Institution Kela, Ohjaamo One-Stop Guidance Centres, the police, the Finnish Defence Forces, Statistics Finland, the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom and the Finnish Tax Administration. Tixtuu, a social media influencer who turned 18 last year, will also share their tips for young people throughout the year. campaign

  • In January, young people turning 18 in 2024 will receive a greeting card for their 18th birthday. The card will not be sent if the young person has prohibited direct marketing or the disclosure of information or has a non-disclosure for personal safety reasons. 
  • The website brings together useful information for young adults from different authorities and public administration organisations.
  • provides information on rights, obligations and services. The themes include identity documents, opportunities to influence, studying, moving on your own, managing your finances, military and non-military services, driving and obtaining a driving licence, moving towards employment and travelling.
  • The Web Service is provided by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. 
  • provides citizens and companies with reliable information for various life situations and related services from municipalities, authorities and other organisations.