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The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä is moving

Publication date 21.8.2024 7.51 | Published in English on 22.8.2024 at 10.13
Press release

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service location in Jyväskylä is moving in the autumn. As of 18 September, the services of the office can be reached at Hannikaisenkatu 47 C.

Exceptions to opening hours

The last day of service at the current service location in Vapaudenkatu will be Wednesday 11 September. Because of the move, the service location will be closed on 12 and 13 September. If there is a physical need to go to the office during the move, the customer can leave documents at the Hannikaisenkatu office's outdoor and indoor mailboxes.

However, most matters do not require a visit to a Digital and Population Data Services Agency service location and can be handled through electronic service channels or the telephone service instead. These channels are available as usual, and the change in customer service facilities will not affect their service hours. In matters requiring a visit to a service location, we recommend that you book an appointment. That way, you can avoid queuing.

Six-month temporary move – including the Tax Administration

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will move to the Hannikaisenkatu premises together with the Tax Administration, which currently serves Vapaudenkatu office. This is a temporary move for both organisations, which will last until March 2025. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the Tax Administration will then return to the customer service facilities in Vapaudenkatu.