Average processing times of services for private customers

The processing time shown on this page is the current average for personal customer applications for which no additional clarifications are required.  
Some applications are processed somewhat faster than the average, and some slower. A longer than average processing time is often due to the fact that the application lacked information or attachments, and they were requested from the applicant. Processing can also become congested if there are many applications at once.

The processing time also depends on how quickly you pay the processing fee. However, the payment of the processing fee does not have any impact on the processing times of the reports on family relationships and certificates ordered from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency because they are only invoiced after we have processed your order.

In the e-service Certificates from the Population Information System you can order several certificates and get access to them immediately.

The processing times are updated twice a month, most recently 2 May 2024. 

Population of Finland 5 628 090