Moving in Finland 

Submit a notification of move using the instructions on this page when you move in Finland 

  • permanently from one home to another 
  • temporarily to another address for not more than one year and return to your permanent address. 

You can use one notification to enter your address information both in the information system we maintain and, if you wish, in the Posti’s address information system. 

Submit a notification of move at the earliest one month before the date of the move or at the latest one week after the move. When you submit a notification in time and following instructions, you ensure that your information is updated in time in the Population Information System and that your mail is immediately sent to the correct address. Please note, the processing time starts from the date of moving. 

Foreigner´s move

NOTE. If you are a foreign citizen notify your move in accordance with the instructions on page “Foreigner’s move to Finland, in Finland and out of Finland”.

If you have already submitted a notification of change of address, please do not submit a new notification. When your new address has been registered, you can see it from your personal information at the service.

Do the following

You can submit a notification of move in the joint online service of us and Posti. To identify yourself, you need Finnish online banking codes or a mobile certificate. 

Submit notification 

You can also submit a notification of move using a paper form, which you can have from Posti or our service location. The form cannot be completed electronically or printed from anywhere. Return the form to Post or our service location. When you also use the form to provide information to Posti, you must prove your identity. 

You cannot submit a notification of move by phone. 

You will not be sent information about the changed address, but you can check the address displayed in the Population Information System in the Check your own personal data service. 

Please note: 

  • You can also use the same notification to notify accompanying family members.  
  • If only one guardian moves from a shared home with minor children, the guardians should agree on the housing arrangements for the children before submitting a notification of move. When guardians send us a paper notification of move with the signature of both guardians, we can ensure that the guardians have agreed on the housing arrangements for children together. If another guardian's signature is missing, the processing of the notification of move is delayed significantly.   
  • The address of a free time residence cannot be saved as a permanent address in the Population Information System.  
  • If you have a move notification block, you must delete it before you can submit a notification of move. Read more about blocking a notification of move and deleting it.

Processing time

Notification of move

Removal of an extra resident from an apartment

  • 2 months

Digital and Population Data services Agency automatically forwards your address to the following organizations:

Digi- ja väestötietovirasto välittää osoitetiedot seuraaville tahoille

Read more about our data protection and privacy.

Also Posti automatically forwards address information to the companies who have made contract with Posti.


Population of Finland 5 648 068

An extra resident in your apartment

You can check the Check your own personal data service to see how many residents are registered in the apartment.

Please use the online form to notify us of the removal of a resident, if the number of residents does not match. More information. 

Frequently asked

Contact us 


Telephone service number is 0295 535 188 

Service hours: Mon–Fri 915.


Please use secure email if your message contains personal or otherwise confidential information. Choose this addresses as the recipient [email protected]. Please tell your whole name and date of birth in your message. 

Send secure email