Maintaining the Population Information System

The Population Information System is a basic register containing the personal data about Finnish citizens and foreign citizens residing in Finland on a permanent or temporary basis. The system also contains the information on buildings, construction projects and dwellings as well as the details of the real estate in which the buildings are located.

The information stored in the system is used throughout Finnish society’s information services and management, including public administration, elections, taxation, judicial administration, research and statistics. The information is also available to businesses and other private organisations. Basic information concerning the identification of individuals and buildings is registered in the Population Information System.

The information kept in the Population Information System is maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and the State Department of Åland. The registration of the information is based on statutory notifications made by municipalities, private individuals and public authorities. Most of the information for the Population Information System is supplied directly by public authorities. For example, hospitals send information on births and deaths, and the names of baptised children are provided by parishes, which transfer the details directly from their own system as electronic data.  In addition to the public authorities, information is also supplied by private individuals. The notification of move required when you move to a new home is the most common of these documents.

The personal data entered in the Population Information System includes the name, personal identity code, address, citizenship, native language, family relations and the date of birth and death.

Municipalities supply the building information directly as electronic data transfers. The building information entered in the system includes the building code, location, owner, size, facilities, network connections, intended use and the year of construction. Read more about building information.

The latest real estate information, such as the real estate unit identifier, registration date and owner, is supplied from the Land Information System (KTJ) maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland.


Population of Finland 5 647 947