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Resident sampling services for property management offices and maintenance companies

The resident sampling service is a self-service application to property management offices and maintenance companies that can be used to sample the resident status of

  • a housing company,
  • a building owned by a housing company, or
  • an individual apartment.

The data can be downloaded as a PDF file or in an Excel-compatible format.

This service is available only to property management offices and maintenance companies. For example, if you represent a housing company or act as the housing manager of a housing company as a private person, you can find instructions for obtaining a list of residents on the Other certificates page.

Resident sampling service can be accessed by applying for a data permit from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s e-service. The service is subject to a charge, and the minimum charge is EUR 7 per month.

VTJkysely is only available in Finnish and Swedish, and the user must understand either language.

VTJkysely requires two-factor authentication

The resident sampling service is used in the VTJkysely browser application, where two-factor authentication is required. Two-factor authentication is also used in the resident list sampling service.

Do the following

The resident sampling service can be accessed by applying for a data permit from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s e-service.

In order to use the e-service, you must register and identify yourself strongly with either an electronic ID card, an organisation card, a mobile certificate or your online banking codes.

When applying for a data permit, you must submit the details of the buildings you manage for which you wish to obtain lists of residents from the service. Permanent building identifiers, addresses and the Business IDs of the housing or joint-stock property companies that own the buildings must be given, and you must also declare that you manage these buildings. The permanent building identifier is 10 characters long, contains 9 numeric characters and always starts with 1, e.g. 123456789A. You can obtain the permanent building identifier from a recent real estate tax decision or via the Liiteri information service, for example. The information must be submitted as an attachment to the online application (an example of an attachment in Finnish).

Applying for a data permit

  1. Log in to the e-service.
  2. In the e-service, select Start a new application.
  3. Select Businesses and non-government organizations as the customer group.
  4. In the Application for data access authorisation on VTJkysely menu, select I want to retrieve data from the Population Information System.
  5. Open the drop-down menu with the default New application and select Asukasluettelopoiminnat, VTJkysely (only in Finnish).
  6. Familiarise yourself with the data permit so that you can accept the terms and conditions and commit to complying with them.
  7. Select Maintenance companies and building management as your organisation’s industry.
  8. In the Additional information field, you can explain the intended use of the data in more detail (e.g. water bills).
  9. Attach the necessary attachments to the online application (under Attachments). You can enter the information in a ready-made Excel template (in Finnish).

For more additional information as required, contact [email protected].

After the data permit has been granted, you will still have to submit the details of the person making the sampling using a separate application.

If necessary, you can also submit new buildings while using the service to [email protected] with an attachment in accordance with the template (in Finnish). Include in the message the customer number of your organisation, which was delivered to you when the data permit was granted.

Processing time

Processing of the application for a data permit for resident list sampling takes approximately two weeks.

Additional information

If you have any questions regarding resident list sampling, you can contact us by email at [email protected]

Price list

  • Lists of residents EUR 6 per sample. Charges apply to incorrect samples as well.
  • Data units disclosed in resident list sampling: EUR 0.055 per data unit.
  • Fixed user-specific monthly fee per user name: EUR 1.
  • Minimum monthly fee for self-sampling: EUR 7 per invoice.

Related documents


Our partners are also providing Resident sampling services:

  • Alma Talent Oy
  • Suomen Asiakastieto Oy

Links to Acts

Laki väestötietojärjestelmästä ja Digi- ja väestötietoviraston varmennepalveluista (Act on the Population Information System and the Certificate Services of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, 661/2009)

Data Protection Act (1050/2018)

Valtiovarainministeriön asetus Digi- ja väestötietoviraston suoritteiden maksuista vuonna 2024 (Ministry of Finance Decree on Fees Charged for Digital and Population Data Services Agency Performances in 2024, 1142/2023)​​​​​​

Population of Finland 5 647 947