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Training courses and recordings

We have compiled all online training courses and webinar recordings for digital support providers on this page. See also upcoming webinars and events and digital support learning and support materials.

Explore our training courses!

Together with digital support providers, we have produced training courses aimed at inspiring people to learn more about digital support. In the training courses, you will receive information on, for example, how digital support is provided and how it is organised.

The online training courses are open to everyone, and you can take them at the time of your choosing.

In addition to online training courses, you can update your competence by participating in monthly webinars or viewing webinar recordings. 

Online training courses

Skills for support providers online training course

In this training course, you will receive tips for encountering people, guiding them, networking and developing your own skills. Whether you’re an old hand or a novice, this training course is for you! The training course is available in Finnish and Swedish.

In this training course, you will learn
•    what is your task and role as a digital support provider
•    of digital support as continuous learning
•    to operate in constant change

Start Skills for support providers training course

Duration of the training course: 30–60 min. The training course is organised in the eOppiva service.

Tips for organising digital support in municipalities online training course

Municipalities organise digital support both as part of their tasks and as a separate service. Residents of the municipality, local companies and organisations, the municipality’s employees and elected officials need support in the development of digital skills. At the same time, many of them also provide digital support.

In this training course, you will receive information on why digitalisation and digital support should be developed and tips on how digital support can be organised in your municipality. The training course is available in Finnish and Swedish.

In this training course, you will learn to understand:
•    the importance of digitalisation as part of the everyday life of a municipality and its residents
•    why a large proportion of a municipality’s employees provide and simultaneously need digital support
•    why digital support must be coordinated
•    different ways of organising digital support

Start the Tips for organising digital support in municipalities training course

Duration of the training course: 30–60 min. The training course is organised in the eOppiva service.

Webinar recordings from latest to oldest

Our latest webinar recordings

We publish our webinars at with subtitles in Finnish and Swedish.

National webinar on digital support:Pitfalls and solutions for finding digital support (23 March 2023)

How can we direct those who need digital support to it? How do we improve awareness of digital support? Together with the digital support actor network, we have studied the challenges and solutions related to finding digital support. We published the results of the study in our webinar. The results and recommendations were presented by Henriikka Eloluoto and Katri Koskinen (CGI) from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s Digital Support Team. The event is hosted by Minna Piirainen.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 49 min
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support developers.

View the recording

Let’s talk about facts! Information literacy in digital support webinar(9 February 2023)

How to identify attempts to influence on different online platforms? How to recognise correct information and how can information literacy be strengthened with digital support? We explore the topic led by Minna Aslama Horowitz from the University of Helsinki. The webinar is part of Media Literacy Week, and the content is related to the guide on digital information literacy published by Factbar (in Finnish) Factbar.

Duration of the webinar: 23 min 59 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers.

View the recording

Annual webinar: Digital Skills Report 2022 (2 December 2022)

The event provides an overview of the state of digital skills in Finland in 2022 and what is required to increase digital skills. We also talk about digital courage—about self-confidence in digital everyday life and strengthening it.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 5 min
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support developers and providers.

View the recording

Skills for support providers webinar: Supporting young people’s digital competence (24 November 2022)

The event’s participants will learn what kind of competence digital support providers working with young people need and familiarise themselves with the Zekki service aimed at young people and consider how it could be utilised in their own work.

Duration of the webinar: 31 min 36 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at digital support providers that encounter young people.

View the recording

National digital support network event: A functional digital everyday life for young people 18 November 2022

Younger generations are growing in an environment where digitalisation is a natural part of everyday life, both in terms of entertainment and socialisation and managing affairs. However, there are aspects related to digital everyday life in which young people also need support. What kind of opportunities does digitalisation offer for supporting young people’s well-being? And what inequality factors are associated with young people’s digital everyday life, how can we support young people in these situations? At the event, we will hear and discuss perspectives on supporting young people’s digital everyday life. The keynote is delivered by Sari Tuuva-Hongisto from the Dequal research project, and the programme also focuses on factors important for young people’s digital everyday life, such as online harassment.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 58 min
For whom? The webinar is aimed at parties working with young people, digital support providers encountering young people and digital support developers.

View the recording

Skills for support providers webinar: Digital security tips for digital support providers (27 October 2022)

What should a digital support provider know about digital security? And how can you ensure that you receive up-to-date information on matters related to digital security? At this event, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s digital security specialists share current digital security knowledge and key digital security tips that digital support providers can utilise in their work.

Duration of the webinar: 32 min 45 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers.
Feedback: Interesting 4.5/5 | Useful 4.4/5 | Event arrangements 4.5/5

View the recording

Skills for support providers webinar:Acting on behalf of another party - how to utilise e-Authorizations? (22 September 2022)

What does acting on behalf of another party mean and how is it done in practice? What do e-Authorizations mean and how can they be utilised when acting on behalf of another party?
At this event, the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s experts will explain what acting on behalf of another party and mandates are all about. The event will particularly focus on situations where people cannot log in to electronic services themselves and need the help of an official to grant mandates.

Duration of the webinar: 28 min 50 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers.

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Skills for support providers webinar:Finding digital support and the opportunities provided by the Finnish Service Catalogue (25 August 2022)

This webinar offers practical examples of how the Finnish Service Catalogue has been utilised in communicating about digital support by representatives of a municipality and an organisation. Participants can also discuss and share their own experiences of good practices regarding the finding of digital support.

Duration of the webinar: 31 min 05 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers and developers.

View the recording

Digital support network event: Social welfare and health care professional as a promoter of digital skills (9 June 2022)

Digital competence of social welfare and health care professionals plays a crucial role in supporting inclusion, but how do we ensure the sufficient digital competence of employees?

At the event, we hear what kind of digital support social welfare and health care professionals feel they need and where they can get it. The event presents good practices and concrete examples of developing the digital skills of social welfare and health care professionals. We hear how the networks of Siun Sote digital mentors operating in North Karelia and the digital tutors operating in the Oulunkaari joint municipal authority in North Ostrobothnia have been established, how they function and how they support the digital competence of social welfare and health care professionals.

The event is primarily aimed at social welfare and health care professionals, but everyone interested in the topic is warmly welcome.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 54 min 
For whom? The webinar is primarily aimed at digital support providers and developers and social welfare and health care professionals working in the social welfare and health care sector.

View the recording

Skills for support providers webinar: Strong identification now and in the future (28 April 2022)

How does strong identification work and how should a digital support provider approach it? What kind of changes are coming and how can digital support providers prepare for them? At the event, the participants familiarise themselves with different identification methods and hear about DigiID and European digital identification.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 27 min
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers.

View the recording

Digital support network event: Critical media literacy (14 April 2022)

The journalist and non-fiction writer Jessikka Aro makes a guest appearance at the digital support network event. During the morning, we will learn about information influencing and fake news from the perspectives of critical media literacy and competence led by Jessikka Aro.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 50 min 
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support developers.

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Skills for support providers webinar: Digital support in municipalities - different municipalities, different practices (24 March 2022)

Municipalities are different in terms of their size and organisation. There is no one-size-fits-all model for organising digital support either. But what is digital support in municipalities—or what could it be?
At the event, we will present what kind of competence and understanding municipalities need for organising digital support and how the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s digital support responds to these needs. We also hear examples from three different municipalities of how digital support has been arranged in their municipality.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 26 min
For whom? The webinar is primarily aimed at digital support developers and providers in municipalities.

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Digital support network event: Tips for developing and organising digital support in municipalities (10 March 2022)

Municipalities organise digital support in many ways: as part of employees’ tasks, as a separate service and in cooperation with other actors.

Residents of the municipality, local companies and organisations, the municipality’s employees and elected officials need support in the development of digital skills. At the same time, many of them also provide digital support.

Duration of the webinar: 2 hr 02 min
For whom? The webinar is primarily aimed at digital support developers and providers in municipalities.

View the recording

Skills for support providers webinar: Digital profiles - different users - different support needs (24 February 2022)

Everyone walks the paths of the digital world in their own way. Everyone has their own strengths, characteristics and also possibilities for their next digital steps. You can use the digital profile test to assess your personal, your company’s or your organisation’s use of digital tools and services. Join us in hearing and discussing about, for example, the following topics.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 26 min 
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support developers and providers.

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Digital support network event: Digital well-being and media skills (10 February 2022)

How do digital and media skills support well-being? How can these skills be promoted in digital support? The event presents observations on digital well-being made in the Digihyvinvoinnin jäljillä project. Participants will also get to see Enter ry’s example of strengthening the digital well-being and skills of older people in the form of a senior game event and a panel discussion on the themes of the day. The event has been organised as part of Media Literacy Week.

Duration of the webinar: 2 hr 36 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers and developers.

View the recording

Skills for support providers webinar: Digital security for digital support providers (27 January 2022)Link to another websiteOpens in a new tab

Why is digital security important? What should a digital support provider know about digital security? How can digital support providers promote the digital security of support recipients? Senior Specialist Kimmo Rousku and Information Security Specialist Juha Kirves from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency will shed light on the matter.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 28 min 
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support providers.

View the recording

Digital support network event: Clear and accessible language (13 January 2022)

What is the significance of clear and accessible language as part of the service experience? Language professionals Essi Lehtinen and Jenni Viinikka (Kela) tell us about the significance of understandable language and give examples of how Kela has promoted it.

Duration of the webinar: 1 hr 40 min 51 s
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support developers and providers.

View the recording

Annual digital support webinar: Digital support 2022 (10 December 2021)

How will digital support for companies and organisations be developed in 2022? What will be the role of the national digital support network in the future? What do the themes for developing digital support look like in 2022? We will also publish recommendations on digital support for companies and organisations at the event.

Duration of the webinar: 2 hr 30 min
For whom? The webinar is aimed at all digital support developers and providers.

Watch the recording

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By developing digital support, we ensure that everybody has the right to shape their daily digital lives in accordance with their own needs and goals!


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