Release notes: ============== Date : 22.07.2020   Version : 4.1.2 Revision : 7614 DigiSign Client changes: ======================== 4.1.2: ====== - Cryptoki crash fix while trying to set empty buffer into return value - Technical references updated; Added own chapter for PIN2 behaviour, updated options-dialog chapter - Document version numbers updated from 4.1.0 to 4.1.2 - Windows documents; Added small note about right-click .pdf signing feature - Options dialog; Added new .pdf setting - DSApp; Added action-menu to display options - DSApp/Options; Added elevation to be able to edit settings - Technical references; Added new .pdf-related registry settings - Linux start script; modified based on customer feedback - Added registry setting 'pdfOnlyNonRep' with default value '1'. - Added registry setting 'pdfOnlyDS' with default value '0'. If value is set to '1', only certificates with keyUsage 'digitalSignature' are displayed - Added registry setting 'pdfTimeStampServer'. If URL is defined, pdf-signer tries to request time stamp for LTE signatures from defined time stamping server - Insert P12 file logic fix; Try to insert first corresponding key before certificate, because key inserting fails more likely than inserting certificate - Implementation Windows explorer integration for pdf signing. Task DSCLIENT-384 - Added missing "cms-pades" signature type - Added support for .pdf time stamps - MacOS: Allow installation to newer OS versions than current version is compiled with - PIN dialog bitmap fix for Linux and MacOS - Added new error message if PDF document includes BOM characters - VRK layout replaced to DVV layout - MacOS fix to display dialogs in correct colors when dark theme is selected - Tokend removed from MacOS installation package - Added support for "long term" signatures - Added registry setting 'signPdfDocument' to enable .pdf signing feature from taskbar menu. Default value is '0' - PKCS7/CMS signer; Added signingCertificateV2 attribute - DSApp; Reader selection dialog fix in the case of multiple readers - 32-bit Windows installer fix - Added server side support to gzip, x25519 and x448 curve types - Cryptoki / FINEID fix; Validate also pso_ bits in method isExecute - Cryptoki / FINEID fix; Dead lock fix when computing pso-operations three keypair FINEID-card